Posts Tagged ‘course’

ESADE MBA Directory

January 31, 2010

Several readers have contacted me to provide information about the ESADE MBA that is essentially on the website of ESADE. Therefore I decided to write this directory that you will also find on the right side as a separate page for easy access (click here).

NAME: ESADE, Ramon Llull University
HISTORY: ESADE timeline since 1958
LOCATION: ESADE MBA, Avinguda d’Esplugues, 92, 08034 Barcelona, España
FACILITIES: Barcelona-Pedralbes Campus, Barcelona-Sant Cugat Campus, Madrid Campus, Buenos Aires Campus

PROGRAMS: Full Time MBA – 12, 15 or 18 months  (Brochures, Information Sessions), Part Time MBA, Executive MBA and Global Executive MBA, all other courses
RANKING: Overview (Business Week, FT, Wall Street Journal, Aspen Institute, America Economia)
ADMISSIONS: Full Time MBA, Part Time MBA
DATES: Application deadlines, interview dates, information sessions, news
GMAT: Preparation Courses
COURSE: Core courses and electives
CAREER: Parners and recruiters (Recruiter Portal)
ALLIANCES: Academic partners and Exchange Programs
FINANCE: Full Time MBA Financial Aid, Scholarships
STUDENTS: Full Time MBA Class Profile
FACULTY & RESEARCH: Directory and Profiles

STUDENT LIFE: All about Barcelona and ESADE

Electives Selection – Take 3

June 22, 2009

Last Friday (19.06.2009) the selection of the electives re-started after the first attempt had already failed miserably due to technical issues. After having worked on the technical side for 2 days the election was restarted with the previous registrations deleted. However after 5min into the start it became apparent that the same problem with the IT system still existed and now half the class could not register the subjects again.

Now after the frustration has been vented and settled over the weekend we are all curious to see whether we got accepted to the courses that we initially applied for in the wake of this week. Limitations in classroom capacities are one thing but not being able to take the subjects for which you took the MBA for in the first place is a whole other game. The suspense remains high.

The One Year MBA is history

June 4, 2009

When we first started our One Year MBA program (OY MBA) we knew that it would be the last time that ESADE runs this intense course in April. From now on all MBA programs are “flexible” meaning that the students can chose whether they wany to graduate in 12,15 or 18 months. Now it has become reality and there are no more references to the one year MBA program in the ESADE website below:

The original differentiating factor between the OY MBA starting in April, which required more experience and exposure, and the 18 month progam has diminished it seems. However an interesting debate amongst ourselves about this differentiation and competitive advantage last night showed that there is not really much of a difference. What is important though is that ESADE still highlights that the One Year MBA is for the more experienced and caters for those who don’t require another internship and/or exchange program. When this is communicated properly the image of the OY MBA course will remain the same eventually.

In any case however all of us current OY students who started in April 2009 are the last batch of the dedicated 1 year MBA called ESADE MBA OY 2010 and we are proud to be so. I suggest that we start taking the photos in sepia and play melancholic music in our classroom to enhance the nostalgia ;).

Thank you Sid for pointing that out!

Spanish Course – Student Benefit

March 26, 2009

A great benefit for ESADE students who do not speak Spanish is the intense Spanish course free of charge. The classes themselves of the ESADE MBA are in English however it is of vital importance to speak a little bit of Spanish when in Spain and working with Spanish. Therefore ESADE offers an intense Spanish course free of charge to the students and their dependants.

This course for beginners with no prior knowledge of Spanish actually begins prior to the MBA and lasts for two weeks. For those that cannot participate in person, the coordinator will send you by email the material that they have been treating during the class at the end of each day. This is a useful preparation of great use so you can start studying Spanish at your leisure despite not being there.